12 Crazy Foods Around the World

12 Crazy Foods Around the World

Think you’re getting frisky when you make up your own snacks like that Nutella and jam waffle sandwich? Then sadly, you won’t make this list of the crazy foods around the world. How did people think of all these foods? Even so, all these supposed delicacies aren’t your everyday meals. If you’re feeling adventurous, then these would be worth a try!

1.      Haggis

crazy foods from around the world haggis

Probably the most heard of, this dish deserves a position on the list. It consists of sheep’s heart, liver and lungs mixed with onions and seasoning. Traditionally, all of its toppings and organs got cased inside the stomach of the animal, though this has been modernized to an artificial casing.

The Scottish sure got creative with their servings of sheep with this dish, and it’s supposedly a lot tastier than it sounds.