Sleepless? How to Sleep Fast

Sleepless? How to Sleep Fast

It doesn’t matter how long you’ve had insomnia; it’s tiring no matter what. Getting the right kinds of answers about what you’re going through is important if you want to get adequate sleep. Let’s see how to sleep fast!

Go see your doctor to make sure your insomnia is not caused by a medical problem. Sleep can be disrupted by conditions such as migraine headaches, restless legs and respiratory issues. These conditions are treatable, making sleep once again within the realm of possibility.

Keep regular sleeping hours. There is an internal clock in your body that causes you to be tired at generally the same time each night. If you pay attention to your clock and try to get to bed when you start to feel sleepy, you can overcome your insomnia.

Keep an eye on both the ventilation and temperature conditions in your bedroom. You can easily become uncomfortable in a room that’s too hot or too stuffy. This will just make it harder for you to sleep. Set your thermostat low to somewhere around 65 degrees if you want to get good sleep. Layer your blankets, making sure they’re easy to remove so you can be very comfortable.


If you just can’t sleep, prescriptions may help. But they can also be addictive and cause more problems than they’re worth. Visit your family doctor and discuss which of the many sleep aids available is the right one for you. They may want you to get more testing, like a sleep study, before they decide on medications. 

Sleep in a north-to-south position. Keep your feet south and your head pointing north. This will align you with the Earth’s magnetic field, which can help you be more at harmony with the planet. It is unusual, but many people swear to the practice. If you like it, you may also want to consult a Feng Shui master.

Avoid drinking fluids for a minimum of three hours prior to bedtime. Drinking will make you have to get up and urinate. When you interrupt your sleep, you trigger insomnia. That’s why it’s important to limit drinking beverages before bedtime.

Magnesium is a mineral that may help you fall asleep. Magnesium affects the neurotransmitters in the brain and can make you have healthier sleep. Incorporate pumpkin seeds and vegetables into your diet. A side benefit of sufficient magnesium in your diet is relief from muscle cramps.

The Right Exercise

Working out can help you sleep better and longer. However, refrain from exercising when bed time is approaching. Since exercising is a stimulant, you will have trouble falling to sleep right after exercising. Stop exercising at least three hours ahead of when you hit the hay so you aren’t over stimulated.

Try not to worry at bedtime. One good way to reduce stress related insomnia is to allow yourself time to worry, but make it earlier during your day. A lot of people toss and turn thinking about their day and cannot fall asleep. How about dealing with that at a time earlier than bed time? That will allow you to focus on sleeping instead.

Look at your bed. Is your bedding comfortable? Are your pillows supportive? Is your mattress new enough and firm? You may need a new mattress. If you do so, you will find rest comes easier.

Limit your caffeine

As you know, insomnia can be directly related to caffeine intake. Caffeine is a stimulant and speeds up the metabolism, interfering with sleep. You may not be aware of how early you should stop drinking anything with caffeine. If you have nightly insomnia, stop consuming caffeine around 2pm.

Get rid of those caffeinated beverages, especially in the hours leading up to bed. Consume decaffeinated beverages or herbal teas instead. Also, stay away from sugar before bed as it can hype you up.

This can be a really hard thing to do because it’s a vicious circle. You’re tired because you don’t sleep and you need caffeine because you’re tired. In this case, you probably want to wean the caffeine over a week or a month to make the transition easier.

Are you a napper? Try skipping naps. It can be harder to fall asleep if you nap. If you are really exhausted and must sleep, make sure you do so prior to 3:00. In addition, don’t let your nap last longer than half an hour.

Open one of your windows. Fresh air is often the perfect catalyst for a night of sleep. Be sure that the room doesn’t become too hot or cold, though. If it gets too cold, have blankets nearby. However, it’s been proven that people generally sleep better in cooler temperatures. 

If you are suffering with insomnia, cherry juice has high levels of melatonin which allows a person to fall asleep. Studies have shown that people out there that drink cherry juice a couple of times each day can get to sleep quicker than people who don’t drink it. You can use tart juice.

Turn your clock away from you. While you may not think it is a big deal, it can cause huge distractions for some people. Position the clock within an arm’s length, swiveling the face away from you.

Many people who have insomnia can often fool their mind into dropping to sleep. To do this, imagine that you have to wake up. They envision their alarm ringing and having to start the day. By focusing on the feeling that you want to turn off the alarm and go back to sleep, you may be able to get to sleep.


A high carb small snack before you head to bed may help you to sleep. This will cause a blood sugar spike and then a fall, which will make you tired.

Kava is is considered a very good cure for insomnia. This is an herb that many say helps lower stress and fosters relaxation. Only take this supplement with your doctor’s prescription as it can cause liver dysfunction in some people.

Maintain your sleep time to five hours; no more than that. This means if you go to sleep around 11pm you should get up around 4am. Avoid any napping in the day. Eventually, your body will come to expect that sleep time is 10pm. You can then extend your waking time so you are getting a more reasonable 7-8 hours of sleep.

Don’t let insomnia continue to run your life. Instead you should focus on using the tips given here so you don’t have to deal with insomnia any longer. You don’t have to let insomnia continue to rule your life. Instead, use the above tips to help you get to bed on time.