Common Illnesses That Kids Get

5.      Blue Baby

children common illnesses blue-babies

You may have heard of blue baby in your prenatal classes. Of course, it’s tough to remember everything that they said. In any case, if the pigment of your baby’s skin is blue in the face, hands and feet, it may mean that they are cold. Warming them up can change their pigment back to pink. Also, this may also occur when they cry, and it gets more difficult to breathe. Sometimes, this is not a worry, but if it is a recurring process while breathing and feeding, it could be very serious. It means there may be breathing and heart problems. The skin will appear blue when there is not enough oxygen in the baby’s blood. Often times, this will show up very early in life. If your little bundle of joy isn’t so happy and is turning blue, then you should really seek immediate help. This problem is probably the least common thing on this list, but it’s so important that we wanted to bring it up.